
Moto Adventure Travels & Rally Raids

Thanks for having me South America

Sadly my trip has come to an end. After 12.729km and 6 countries we arrived in Bogota. 3 months sounds like a long time bit it definitely isn’t for this huge continent. The distances are very big and in some… Weiterlesen →

Lago Calima and Los Nevados

Darien, Day 71, 96km We left Cali northeast on a small road up through the mountains. A short riding day to Lago Calima with only little traffic. There were not many people on the lake which is a favourite place… Weiterlesen →


Popayán, Day 68, 282km Torsten decided to stay one more night and it was only Daniel and me again. We rode north along the nice routa 45 through the jungle before we crossed the Andes again at San Augustin on… Weiterlesen →

Colombian death road and the end of the world

Mocao / Trampolin de la Muerte, Day 66, 149km We decided to go east over the Andes on the Trampolín de la Muerte (trampoline of death or just death road) from San Francisco to Mocoa. This dirt road was built… Weiterlesen →

On the road to Colombia

Laguna Yahuarcocha, Day 64, 123km Late start. After breakfast I walked around the Quito old town which is very nice with its old colonial buildings an churches. On top of the Basilica del Voto National you get a perfect view… Weiterlesen →

Quito and latitude 0°0‘0“

Quito, Day 61, 369km After breakfast on the beach with a fresh melon juice we continued heading north along the coast to Perpendales before we turned east to Quito. There was almost no traffic and we made good progress. We… Weiterlesen →


Naranjal, Day 58, 298km Our second night in Ecuador. We decided to ride to the west coast, north along it and then east to Quito.  We had enough time left and don’t need to take the direct way. Beautiful ride… Weiterlesen →

10000 km

I have ridden now 10000 km on the South American continent, 2 month and through 5 countries. My KTM 690 Enduro let me down once. But other than this one off manufacturing problem (I guess I’m the only one ever… Weiterlesen →

Panamericana Peru

Lima/Miraflores , Day 53-54, Rest day Chilling, relaxing, sightseeing, maintenance and repairs on the bikes, route planning. Tortugas, Day 55, 400km Daniel fixed the cooling issue on his bike (sealing of the water pump drive was broken) and we were… Weiterlesen →

The river

Chirumpiari, Day 49, 288km Back to the main road from Hidroelectrica to Kimbiri. What we thought is a smooth day of riding ended as the hardest day since I’m riding bikes. At the beginning the road was paved. Very narrow,… Weiterlesen →

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