What a ride! Usually I like to travel much more relaxed. But this time it was riding only, 3700km, 10 days solid on the bike including 3 days off-road only. Very physical but awesome experience though.

Montenegro was a beautiful surprise. Camped a a nice rafting spot on the border to Bosnia. A lot of marks of the war can still be seen in Bosnia.

We only had one puncture which finally could be fixed in Montenegro. Best experience was probably the overnight stay at a farm in the middle of nowhere in Albania. The family is producing goat cheese for a living and they were awesome hosts and very helpful. The daughter spoke english and we’ve been welcomed with a drink of goat milk. Shkodra lake was another highlight. Gorgeous campsite, not many people around this huge lake. A place like this in Europe would be packed!

Definitely will do this trip again but taking much more time for it. Europe is such a great achievement. So many different cultures but in the end we all want and need the same things. Food, drink, air, sleep, health, a happy family and peace. Can’t understand why some countries a building walls again. Borders sucks!

Anyway now it is time for the final preparations of my South America journey. Bits and bops to do on the 690 and it will go into the container in August. Can’t wait!