Its been a while since my last blog but it was quite difficult to get a decent internet connection in the remote areas in the Chilean desert.

Day3, 413Km to Copiapo

Tarmac roads only heading north towards the Paso de San Francisco which should bring us into Argentinia. The main roads are in a good condition, probably better then most roads in Germany although they are built through the middle of the desert. Very little traffic only and from one gas station to the other can be easily 200km+ even on major roads. 50km before Copiapo we´ve stoped by a car on the hard shoulder which run out of fuel. After we gave the guy some of our fuel so he could continue we realised that he was really in a hurry and his front screen was completly broken. Pobably we´ve helped a criminal to escape but he was thankful for our help and gave us money for the fuel. 

Day 4, rest day Copiapo

Nice litte camp site but the owner has tricked us and charged us for night and day extra. Lessons learned: Ask if the price is for 24h before you put up your tent. No riding today, we needed to get an additonal canister for Daniel’s 990 which doesn´t have the fuel range of approx. 600km of our 690s with the extra Safari tank fitted. To get over the Paso de San Francisco into Fiambale we need at least 550km of range. Further we needed to get money and wash our clothes. Early start on the next day to get into Argentinia.

Day5, 366km, Bahia Inglesa

We left Copiapo and after 50km got the the bottom of the Paso de San Francisco which is at 4800m. Dirt road only but in a good condition which allowed up to 120km/h easily on most sections. The climb up the pass doesn´t really feel likel a climb in the Alps. Altitude increases slowly but steady and after 100km we have been already at 3500m. Air is getting thin, breathing gets more and more difficult. The plan was to ride to the border control office at 4500m, do the paperwork for getting into Argentina and go back down and sleep at 3500m to get used to the altitude. We haven´t seen anybody since hours but suddenly found our self in front of a big copper mine. We walked into the security office and asked for a coffee and if the pass is open. On my flight over the Andes I was surprise who much snow there still is on the mountains. Apparently this winter was quite unusal and extreme here. After the guys from the mine did several phone calls we got the answer: pass is closed! Too much snow still! Gutted! This means we need to ride a long way north to try another pass near San Pedro de Atacama which is slightly lower and open. We turned around a drove to Bahia Inglesa on the coast and camped on the beach.

Day6, 307Km, Paposo
Left early and headed north on ruta 5 along the coast. After 200km we´ve decided to take an alternative route offrad to reduce the long and boring tarmac miles. The landscape is not really boring but it doesn´t really change for hundreds of kms. Paposo is a small fisher village no tourists and another 200km to Antofagasta, the next city. We´ve decided to stay here overnight. While we were just about to stop to discuss where to stay for the night, a group a bikers stoped us. Hells Angels Antofagasta / Chile! One of the guys had a flat tyre and they didn´t bring any tools to fix it. Because we need to carry tyre repairs kits and a pump we could help them out. They were very pleased and helped us to find a place to stay overnight with a family. Very basic but it was fine for us because we dind´t had any other option. After they left they gave us their contact details and said if we´re in any sort of trouble to call them, they will help us out! They have friends from Hell Angels Bolivia where we have been invited to stop by. We´ll see but this was definately an unexpected experience.

Day7, 477, San Pedro de Atacama

Very early start today. Long ride through the desert. We´ve missed the famous hand of the desert but by the time we realised that we couldn´t really be bothered to turn around. It’s a hand sculpture in the desert and apparently for Brasiliens something like the Northern Cape in Europe. After the fuel stop Thomas rode over a dog! Dogs is really a special topic in Chile. Street dogs get feeded and looked after by the people and the government builts public dog houses. They don´t really look like street dogs and are usually not angry at all. Only some of them get really upset with motobikes and come straight after you, no matter a t which speed you´re travelling. Unfortunately Thomas couldn´t avoid hitting the dog but he was still capable to run away so hopefully he isn´t hurt too much. After Calama the real Atacama begins. The 100km to San Pedro de Atacama is an unbelievable beautiful stretch of road. Picturesque landsape and the snow covered Andes in the background. San Pedro is a really touristy place but still worth a visit. We found a nice campsite and decided to stay here for a few nights to relax after 2000km on the clock already. Also we need to get used to the altitude and this place at 2800m is ideal for that. When we cross the Andes in the next days and head to Argentinia and Bolivia we´ll be over 4000m for a few weeks without a chance to get down again because the Altiplano is huge area.