Puno, Day 43, 280km

We left La Paz to El Alto and rode from there to the border which is approximately 120km from La Paz. We decided to have lunch first before we cross the border. There are a few borders at the lake and we struggeled to find the right one. The first was only for trucks and we got sent back to a town. After a while we found another one for pedestrians and bikes. Many local were crossing the small bridge doing trades. To my surprise they didn’t need to show passport just had to pay some money for the goods they were carrying. The immigration process for us and the bikes went pretty smooth. Anti-corruption signs everywhere. We expected much more hassle from what we heard how border crossings can be in Peru but obviously things have changed to the better. We changed some money and rode for another 140km along the lake and stayed in a hostel for the night. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to stop at the Copacapana which must be very nice but in the end every trip is not long enough to see everything and compromises have to be made.

Puno, Day 44, Rest day

Second time I had trouble with food. I think this is the price you have to pay when you travel for that long and don‘t pay attention what you eat and where. We had local street food for most of the times. I decided to stay in the hostel for the day. Thomas and Daniel went to the floating island on the lake made of reed. Also the famous boats on Titicaca lake are made of reed. I realised many locals were wearing Peru national footbal jerseys. It was the final qualifying match for Russia 2018 this day. Peru was the favorit and hadn’t joined a world cup since 36 years. Watched the match in the hostel and after Peru won Puno literally exploded. Everyone celebrating, massive fire works, like bombs. The night was short and the president announced a public holiday on the next day to ensure this great achievment can be celebrated good enough.