
Moto Adventure Travels & Rally Raids

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Machu Pichu

Cusco, Day 45, 400km Easy ride to Cusco through the mountains with some hot springs (aqua calientes) at 4000m. On the way I noticed that Peru has probably the highest amount of gas stations per person in the world. Honestly,… Weiterlesen →

Titicaca Lake Peru

Puno, Day 43, 280km We left La Paz to El Alto and rode from there to the border which is approximately 120km from La Paz. We decided to have lunch first before we cross the border. There are a few… Weiterlesen →

Riding again

Santa Cruz, Day 34 – 40, Workshop Day 7-13 What I experienced in these two weeks is way too much to write down here. This probably sums it up best: #manana #manana #alwaysmanana #igetthepartsmyself #atidyworkshoplooksdifferent #wherearethetools #ineedaworking torquewrench #weareworkingonit #doyouwantcoffee… Weiterlesen →

She‘s alive!!!

After 13 painful days of being stuck waiting for spares in Santa Cruz I‘m riding again. Catched up with Daniel and Thomas in La Paz today. Full story coming soon…

Overheat…and killing time

Day 29-33, KTM workshop day 2-6, Santa Cruz 10am Tuesday, the boss was there and agreed to open the cylinder after warranty claim has been granted. Cylinderhead has been taken off. Diagnosis: Blown gasket as expected. My feeling is that… Weiterlesen →

Salar de Uyuni and…

Day 23, Rest day, Uyuni The usual stuff we do on rest days…mainly nothing and recharge our gear and us. Day 24, 129km, Salar de Uyuni After breakfast we took food and water for a day and rode to the… Weiterlesen →

Lagoon route Bolivia

Day 18-20, San Pedro de Atacama Relaxing, route planning, washing clothes, maintenance and cleaning the bikes. Day 21, 172km, Laguna Colorado Lazy start after 3 days off the bike at 11am. First to the Chilean immigration which is based in… Weiterlesen →


Day 10 was another rest day in beautiful San Pedro. Day 11, 348km, San Antonio de los Cobres Our second attempt to cross the Andes to Argentinia via Paso de Sica. We’ve made it! We packed our stuff and had… Weiterlesen →

San Pedro de Atacama

Day 8, San Pedro de Atacama, Rest day Relaxing mainly. We met Andres, a Chilean motorcycle adventure rider who is camping next to us. He works for a few month in San Pedro as a tour guide and has travelled… Weiterlesen →

The Andes

Its been a while since my last blog but it was quite difficult to get a decent internet connection in the remote areas in the Chilean desert. Day3, 413Km to Copiapo Tarmac roads only heading north towards the Paso de… Weiterlesen →

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