
Moto Adventure Travels & Rally Raids

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Reunification Day

We’ve got our bikes and hit the road on South American soil for the first time! After a few issues at the start, Torsten travelled 80h to get here, lost his luggage, Thomas rectifier had a loose connection (2h job… Weiterlesen →


the journey has started! Arrived in Santiago and staying in the Aji hostel for the next days. Everything at home has been sorted, bike is on the way, work finished for the year and my flat has new tenants for… Weiterlesen →

See you in 5 weeks!

The point of now return has finally come. The bike has been loaded into the container and will soon start its 29 days journey from Hamburg to Valparaiso / Chile. Is the bike prepared and ready for the big adventure?… Weiterlesen →

Back home

What a ride! Usually I like to travel much more relaxed. But this time it was riding only, 3700km, 10 days solid on the bike including 3 days off-road only. Very physical but awesome experience though. Montenegro was a beautiful… Weiterlesen →

Beautiful Albania

Came from Greece straight into Albania and discovered the beautiful landscape. Roads can be very slippery because there is a lot of oil on the road from broken down cars. Merc seems to be the favourite ride for the Albanians!… Weiterlesen →

Albania Shorttrip

Last small trip before the big one which will be the experience of my lifetime. 3 friends an me on 2 KTM 1190 Adventure R and 2 BMW 1200 GS. 9 countries in 10 days from Germany to Austria, Italia,… Weiterlesen →

First test ride

A few things are still missing but the major modifications on the bike are done already. Summary: 600Km riding in the french Vogesen including offroad section done. No issues so far!

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